Aspiring authors wanted!

Over the coming weeks I plan to run a feature on the unsung heroes of the writing community.  If you are an aspiring author and you wish to be interviewed just leave a comment.  In leaving a comment it has you put in your email address so then I will know how to contact you.

Update:  Please note that I have numerous interviews being edited and prepared for the site.  If you are interested I will get you going right away on the interview, but it may take some time to get it posted (currently I am about 6 -10 weeks out)

Todd’s journey to self publishing

What drew you to self publishing in the first place?

This is an exciting time for digital reading. Having been online since the early 90s I’ve been waiting for a time when digital book reading shined like it is now.  I thought maybe with the Tablet PC and was an early adopter there but the devices were too expensive. Wish I’d bought a Kindle when they first came out, as I would have been here sooner.

How does a self-published author go about getting their book ready for the market?

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